Meal Plan

What is Bullfrog Meal Plan?

Bullfrog Meal Plan is a way to easily manage food orders for every student in your district getting financial assistance.
Bullfrog Meal Plan helps public school administrators centrally manage food orders for student meals provided by a school district.
Bullfrog Meal plan is used by students, parents and administrators to manage Meal Plan programs that are pre-purchased by a parent for public and private schools.
Works with existing vendors and system.

Want to see it for yourself?

We want your students to get what they need. Plan meal plans for every day all in one place.

Manage Meals Plans of all shapes and sizes.

Campuses providing pre-paid Meal Plans for students use BullfrogPay to manage the funds from parents. BullfrogPay integrates both the Meal Plan program and the BullfrogPay Wallet seamlessly when students make purchases on campus. School District Administrators, School Staff, and vendors work in the same online account to manage everything. Plan for everyday and field trips, send info to your vendors, and generate invoices all in one place. Bullfrog Meal Plan will be used with your centrally-managed third party caterer, or your own cafeterias. Meal Plan Administrators are in control of who sees what and when. Information access is given to those who need it.

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