Technical Support

Most Common Technical Support Questions

It is quite common for a Payment PIN PAD to stop responding to authorization requests from BullfrogPOS. The quickest way to resolve this is to restart your PIN PAD. See your Merchant Services guide for instructions on how to restart your PIN PAD.
  1. Check to make sure there is paper in the printer
  2. Turn the printer off, then back on again
  3. Call support at 1-888-598-7504 if this does not resolve the issue
Contact your manager to have your BullfrogPOS user account reset. You will then be prompted to enter a new password the next time you login to BullfrogPOS.
If you are getting a message when you are logging in that your password is not correct then click the ‘Forgot your password’ link right under the Green Sign In button. You will then be sent an automated response to your email inbox with instructions on resetting your password.

POS data from your POS terminal(s) is continuously synced to the Cloud during your business day. If data is not on the Bullfrog Cloud then there is an issue with your internet connection. Try this:

  • Restart your POS Lane(s) and then check again in about 5 minutes
  • If it is still missing, contact our support team 1-888-598-7504